Monday, August 06, 2007

Moved too..

Moved to Namir the Wonder cat at

Friday, March 25, 2005

OK OK I'll update

My roomies are home for Easter, what does that mean? I can decide when I want to go to sleep. That’s right no waiting until 1:00a.m. for some hot guy to leave. Dance Dance Furby Dance. Anyway I think that my project thing went well... but I can't tell. I have another project to worry about now. Just a reminder, the sky blue, the moon not blue. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Bloggers Paradise Gone

Sara, in my Paradise link has stopped updating. We will take a moment of silence now….

I wonder what I well eat for dinner tonight. We will take a moment of silence now…

I wander why hobbits are so hairy. Can anyone explain this to me?

Monday, March 21, 2005

OWWWWW I want some

Listening to the Phantom. Oh what a voice. Much better then that Joshie. My sisters are at a cafe, but not me because I was off reading when they called. I want coffee. My roommate has a hot guy over and they are talking about cutting up dead bodies (they work at a morgue.) So I have my big headphones on, while re-reading something I have to write a paper on. Oh here comes the part where the opera starts cursing.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I danced around a volcanic gerbil, and went into the dangerous terminal

I have recently discovered that my mother has managed to find my site from some unknown force. So this post will be not go over a PG rating because you know I always do. How can this be managed on the web? Watch and learn first off start out with the cute and cuddly.

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Here are some winners, and a runner up from the Papillon club photo contest.

And here is one to make up for that Jesus Dancing page.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
This goes out to all these softies there. Find comfort in Loobylu, a site for you.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
Because there is nothing more PG then a half naked man riding a white tiger. Don't believe me? Well, watch Disney's Tarzan.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It is St. Patty's Day!

Ah what a beautiful day! People tip their hats to you, people smile, the sun shines, the promise of spring. My computer is acting like its caught a cold.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I smell pizza

I smell the sweet smell of pizza, I think I am going to go check if it is free.... NO, I must stay here and wait for an important AIM.

Here I sit

Here I sit, a marker car soars across the windows, the leaves lay unprotected my the snow, the wind once again can torment them, artwork hangs over my head, a soft leather sofa cushions my soar back, I wait for the phone to rang, the clock slowly clicks away unheard but overly felt, in a moment a bird catches my eye, when in focus I see a leaf dancing on the ground, my hands are chilled, my hair is clean, my shoes changed from blue to purple to day, I have clothe dye splattered across my face, my coat is red, I have gone from the outside to the inside, the next step would be to became profound, I take a moment in meditation, my mind blank, my eyes looking at nothing, I do not want to dive into the deeper pool, it is much earlier to describe the surface, I am not tired, my eyes are sour, I have to scan in some artwork, I am waiting for a call, I am waiting for an instant message, I am thinking about sending an e-mail. Yes that is what I will do!